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Chakras: An Introduction

The term “Chakra” originates from Sanskrit and means “wheel.” Chakras are energy centers are spinning vortexes located in a vertical line through the body, from the spine’s base to the head’s crown. There are seven significant chakras, each linked to various endocrine glands and in charge of the energy flow to specific organs. Every chakra is connected to a particular color of the rainbow and harmonious musical tones. These centers embody spiritual energy in the physical realm.

The energy from emotional responses to physical stimuli runs along the chakras and “feeds” our cells, tissues, and organs. Like our unseen breath, which nourishes the body with life-giving oxygen, the unseen energy we create can nourish or deplete us.

Try this:

Pay attention to your physical responses next time you experience a strong emotion. Did your heart rate increase? Do you feel warmth in certain areas?

This is the emotional energy manifesting as a physical sensation. Prolonged emotional responses such as anxiety can manifest physically as ulcers, headaches, etc.  This is why it is essential to be aware of your body’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states.

Having balanced, unblocked chakras assists in keeping the rest of the body in balance. Based on the location in the body, the chakras relate to certain states of consciousness, emotional function, and philosophical constructs. Lower chakras govern the more practical, physical aspects of our lives, like survival, stability, and trust, while the upper chakras govern spiritual elements, symbols, and concepts. Together, they provide the body-mind physical-spiritual connection.

Chakras with auras

Chakras also contribute to your overall aura.

Please follow the links provided for additional information regarding the physical aspects of the 7 major chakras.

Chakra 1

English Name: Root or Base Chakra Color: Red
Element: Earth
Sanskrit Name: Muladhara Vibrational Tone: “C”

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine. This chakra located at the perineum opens downwards towards the earth, connecting the body to the physical environment. It is associated with security, mental stability, courage, and survival. This chakra serves to ground us to the world. Energy from the earth is drawn up through the minor chakras on the soles of the feet.

Physical health problems related to the root chakra are ones affecting feet, ankles, and knees through which the earth’s energy flows.  It also governs the spinal column, small intestine, colon, testes, and ovaries.

The main function of the root chakra is to give us confidence in ourselves and our place in the world.

If you feel ungrounded- take off your shoes and stand in direct contact with the earth, grass, sand, etc. close your eyes and feel the earth’s energy flow up to reconnect you to your place in the world.

Chakra 2

English Name: Sacral Color: Orange
Element: Water
Sanskrit Name: Svadisthana Vibrational Tone: “D”

The sacral chakra is located just below the navel. This chakra influences our life-sustaining energy, the unconscious, and creativity.  It is the seat of wonder and child-like fascination. Known as the emotional chakra, it governs giving & receiving, sexual energy, and change.

The sacral chakra plays a crucial role in our physical and emotional well-being. The adrenal glands are responsible for managing stress and our physiological response to it. Any imbalances in this chakra can often lead to increased stress reactions and additionally, various urinary tract problems. On an emotional level, blockages in the sacral chakra can hinder our capacity to receive and give love freely. However, when this chakra is open and functioning harmoniously, it empowers us to experience love in its purest and most unconditional form.

Chakra 3

English Name: Solar Plexus Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Sanskrit Name: Manipura Vibrational Tone: “E”

The solar plexus chakra is located at the level of the physical solar plexus and is where you feel “butterflies in the stomach.” It is your personal internal sun! This chakra draws energy from the sun to disperse throughout your system. It i the hub of your energy. This is where we feel power and anxiety. 

The solar plexus chakra is mainly related to digestion and stress (Ulcers) and is where we physically feel the imbalance quickly (nervous, upset stomach, etc.) This chakra also governs the pancreas. Furthermore, stress reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, and/or Reiki will bring balance and vitality to the solar plexus.

Chakra 4

English Name: Heart Color: Green
Element: Air
Sanskrit Name: Anahata Vibrational Tone: “F”

The heart chakra holds a sacred position at the center of the energy system, adeptly harmonizing the realms of the upper and lower chakras. It stands as the divine fountainhead of love, radiating with profound devotion and passionate intensity.

When we learn to let go of negative emotions, we can begin to restore balance and healing to this chakra. It’s crucial to remember that managing stress and avoiding feelings of Anger and frustration can thus positively impact our circulatory system and overall heart health.

The Heart chakra is the chakra of unconditional love.  Only when we can truly love ourselves can we unconditionally love another.  Dysfunction of this chakra leads to the inability to have any lasting, meaningful relationships (not necessarily romantic.)  When balanced, the energy associated with the heart chakra brings a love of all creation without judgment.

Chakra 5

English Name: Throat Color: Blue
Element: Ether (or sound)
Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha Vibrational Tone: “F”

The throat chakra is located at the center of the throat between the collarbone and larynx and governs communication.  The throat chakra governs speech and artistic expression as well as promoting increased consciousness of all expression, whether physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.  It is our connection between the heart and head, logic and feeling, body and spirit. Our voices can be used in many ways, and how we speak can indicate energy blockages in the throat chakra.

Physical issues are related to the ear, nose, and throat and respiratory problems. The Throat chakra governs the thyroid gland. Symptoms such as congestion, sore throat, or plugged ears consequently indicate blocked energy.

Blockages may lead to withdrawing from other people, which can, in turn, lead to depression. People having difficulty expressing their inner feelings may benefit from finding a non-judgmental listener.  Talking out problems can remove blockages.

Chakra 6

English Name: Third Eye Color: Indigo
Element: Ether (or light)
Sanskrit Name: Anja Vibrational Tone: “A”

The third eye chakra is in the center of your forehead, just above the eyebrows.  This chakra governs insight, imagination, intuition, and inner wisdom. The third eye chakra is associated with the mind and meditation.  Through this chakra, we can let the mind chatter settle and allow ourselves to sit in the silence of who we indeed are behind the ego.

Physical problems related to the third eye chakra are symptoms of the eyes and head, such as migraines. This chakra governs the pineal gland, which produces serotonin and melanin. These hormones regulate sleep.  The pineal gland is light-responsive, and a lack of light reduces the amount of serotonin produced, which can result in seasonal affective disorder.  The colors and light energy of nature can help to balance this chakra.

Chakra 7

English Name: Crown Color: Violet/Gold/White
Element: n/a
Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara Vibrational Tone: “Aum”

The crown chakra is directly opposite the base chakra and is situated at the crown of the head.  t opens upward towards the heavens and connects us to the universe.  The crown chakra governs inspiration and idealism and connects us to everything that transcends our earthly state. It is through this chakra, which should always remain open,  that we draw down universal energy.

Headaches, as a matter of fact, can be caused by dysfunction of this chakra, usually due to denial of feelings. Bottling up anger, resentment, and obsession (also linked to the heart chakra) can result in high blood pressure and tension headaches.

The Sahasrara is the Sanskrit name given to the seventh chakra, which translates to “a thousand petals.” Lotus flowers are often used to symbolize the chakras because they start their journey in mud, grow through water, and, nevertheless reach the light, blossoming into their true beauty. This mirrors our journey of growth through life as we strive to reach the spiritual light the sun symbolizes.

If you would like to book a chakra balancing session, please contact me for availability or listen to the Chakra Balancing Course on Insight Timer.


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